Thursday, April 30, 2015

GNS3 IOU VM virtual machine image update

After downloading the gns3-all-in-one package, and skip downloading a new image of the latest gns3 iou vm and update it instead.
Change the  appliance network settings to Attached to: NAT

power on, login and run the following command:
 pip3 install gns3-server==1.3.2

as of 1st of May 2015 the latest version of gns3 is 1.3.2

You have to re configure your GNS3 preferences after uninstalling the old version.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Installing a TFTP server in Ubuntu 14.10

1. Download the tar  and extract to preferred folder.

2. Download and install the python3-tk module.
 sudo apt-get install python3-tk

3. Launch the tftpgui application
 sudo python3

4. Start or modify the parameters:


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Copy and Paste Putty (window contents) Ubuntu Linux

To copy:
Click and hold the mouse right button and select (highlight) contents or text you want to copy.

To paste:
In Libre Office Writer, tap the scroll wheel down to paste selected text in putty window.