1. Add the line below to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster main non-free
2. Launch Synaptic Package Manager search for iwlwifi, mark and apply changes. Restart and test.
1. Add the line below to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster main non-free
2. Launch Synaptic Package Manager search for iwlwifi, mark and apply changes. Restart and test.
1. start the CLI, enter configuration mode.login: root
root@% cli
root> configure
Entering configuration mode
2. Set the root authentication password.
root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password:
Retype new password:
3. Set the host name.
root# set system host-name VSRX1
4. Set Management interface IP Address, commit to save configuration.
1. Install qemu and utilities.
ariel@UBUNTU-E752:~$ sudo apt-get install qemu
ariel@UBUNTU-E752:~$ sudo apt install qemu-utils
command: qemu-img convert -f vmdk filename.vmdk filename.raw
ariel@UBUNTU-E752:~/Documents$ qemu-img convert -f vmdk FlowCollector.vmdk FlowCollector.raw
2. Write to .iso file"
command: dd if=filename.raw of=filename.iso
ariel@UBUNTU-E752:~/Documents$ dd if=FlowCollector.raw of=Flowcollector.iso
104857600+0 records in
104857600+0 records out
53687091200 bytes (54 GB, 50 GiB) copied, 520.074 s, 103 MB/s
1. ariel@UBUNTU-VM:~$ sudo apt install nmap
1. Use ssh to connect to Ubuntu Desktop and install xrdp
ariel@UBUNTU-VM:~$ sudo apt install xrdp
Type Y and hit Enter.
2. Test, by running rdp on Windows desktop and login to Ubuntu desktop.
1. Download and extract VMware VCSA compressed folder.
2. Launch installer:
3. Click Install.
14. Stage 2 Set UP vCenter Server Appliance. Click NEXT.
1. Virtual Switches, vSwitch0 (default) no modification.
2. Added virtual switches Vswitch1 to 5 no physical network ethernet card for uplink.
Figure 1-all settings are default except VSwitch name
3. Under Port groups, GNS3, pnet1 to pnet5 is added.
Figure 2- Port Group GNS3, pnet1 to 5 created
4. GNS3 port is under vSwitch0, set security to “Accept” for Promiscous mode, MAC address changes and Forged transmit.
5. The rest of the port group pnet1 to 5 settings VLAN ID is set to 4095
Figure 3- configure other port group to corresponding vSwitch and set to Trunk (VLAN ID 4095)
Figure 4 - the rest of the port group VLAN ID is change to trunk, security is set to accept all.
6. For the virtual machines network adapters, use E1000 adapter.
7. An Ubuntu Virtual Machine with E1000 Adapter type is also used to communicate to GNS3 VM using cloud interfaces.
Figure 5 - Test lab- UbuntuVM connected to pnet1